Wednesday 6 May 2015

Job Oriented Training in Life Science
- Biochemistry

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Advance Training For Life Science

Industry & Research


In India, million of  graduate and post graduate in  biotechnology / life science every year. Out of these only few are directly employable in the biotechnology / life science  industry. One of the main reasons for unemployment is the large gap between the education system and the industry expectations.

The skill set acquired in colleges / institutions  is not adequate to get into a job without additional training. Companies need to invest lot of money and time to train fresh biotech professionals and make them productive.

The objective of the training program is to introduce career and market- oriented, skill enhancing hands on laboratory experience  that have utility for job,  self-employment  and  empowerment  of  the  students.  At  the  end  of rigorous six month training program , the trainee   will be equipped with a Certificate and  add-on Industrial Experience .

Features of Training Programs

Ø One of the Most successful Training Program

Ø Industry oriented Hands on Experience

Ø Individual participation in more than 200 Experiments

Ø Training for work Experience

Ø Multidisciplinary hands on experience for  employment

Ø Training at the cost of NO PROFIT NO LOSS BASIS ,

Ø It is mandatory to participate in company production , research and services

Ø Fill the gap between academia and Industry

Ø Placement Assistance

Module I : Microbiology

General Microbiology : Preparation and Sterilization of equipment and Culture Media ( GLP ) Lab QC   Isolation of culture media from different sources Isolation and Identification of fungal species

Pharmaceutical Microbiology : Endotoxin Test - Strategies for detecting interference; validation of special treatments to  overcome  interference  and  validation  of  the  test  for  endotoxins  by  performing  the  Pharmacopeial  Test  for

Interfering Factors. MIC Test Testing of antibiotics Sterility testing of injectable Bioassay of Vitamins

Water & Food Microbiology : Total Plate Count Counts of Yeast and Molds Isolation and identification of E.coli , Salmonella , Shigella , Vibrio etc Pathogen Analysis: Proficiency To analyze Food & Water related microorganism

Preservative Efficacy Test

Clinical Microbiology : MIC Determination ESBL Detection Blood culture techniques Urine culture & analysis

Isolation of micro flora from sputum

Microbial Genetics : Bacterial Transformation Bacterial Conjugation Site Directed Mutagenesis

Report Preparation :  Maintenance of Data ( BIS Std)   Quality Audit Tool Kit ( GMP , GLP, HACCP)

Reporting of clinical samples

Module II : Biochemistry

General Biochemistry Techniques : Analysis of samples through spectrometry General Biochemical Tests Ion

Exchange Chromatography Affinity Chromatography Thin Layer Chromatography

Chromatography  Techniques : High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ) Gel Filtration Chromatography

Ion Exchange Chromatography Affinity Chromatography Thin Layer Chromatography

Clinical Biochemistry :  Analysis of Inorganic salts in clinical samples Test of acid Phosphatase , Alkaline Phosphatase

Test of Tri Glycerides Determination of Urea & Uric Acid Determination of Protein , Albumin , Lipase & Amylase

Food Biochemistry : High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ) Gel Filtration Chromatography Ion

Exchange Chromatography Affinity Chromatography Thin Layer Chromatography

Herbal Biochemistry : High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ) Gel Filtration Chromatography Ion

Exchange Chromatography Affinity Chromatography Thin Layer Chromatography

Biochemistry of Pharma Products : High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ) Gel Filtration

Chromatography Ion Exchange Chromatography Affinity Chromatography Thin Layer Chromatography

Chromatography Techniques : High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ) Gel Filtration Chromatography

Ion Exchange Chromatography Affinity Chromatography Thin Layer Chromatography

Module III : Analytical Chemistry

Analysis of Inorganic Salts in Formulations : Quantitative & Qualitative analysis of inorganic salts through Flame Photometry Quantitative & Qualitative analysis of inorganic salts through Ion Selective ( ISE ) Quantitative & Qualitative analysis of inorganic salts through Spectrophotometer

Moisture Content Analysis in Formulations

End Point Detection of Chloroquine Phosphate , Estyle Salicylate etc. Nitrogen Estimation

To perform assay of different Pharma Formulations

Analysis through HPLC

Introduction to HPLC HPLC Troubleshooting & Maintenance HPLC Method Development Separation of

Biopharmaceuticals through HPLC

Analysis through GC

Introduction to GC GC Troubleshooting & Maintenance GC Method Development Separation of

Biopharmaceuticals through GC

Module: IV ( Tissue Culture )

Sterile techniques and safety procedures • Preparation of media for tissue culture Initiation and   maintenance of primary cell culture    Genetic Transformation Anther Culture Root Culture Callus Culture

Module: V (Basic Bioinformatics)

Basic knowledge of Bioinformatics Databases , Tools and Analysis

Module: VI ( IPR )

Patent Law & Procedure   Patent Specification Drafting   Patent Searching   Drafting of other patent related documents

Module: VII Project Work

Trainee will work on a project along with this module

Duration: 3 to 6 Months

Eligibility: Maters / Bachelors of Life Science or Pharmacy Stream ( Studying or Pass out )

Fee: Rs 15,000/